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- I’ve submitted a rebate application some time ago but have heard nothing back?
The average processing time for rebates is 6-8 weeks. If the rebate is approved, your electricity account will be credited and the next bill will be noted with the rebate program, and amount of the rebate. If the rebate is not approved, we will notify you in writing, either by mail or email depending on how the rebate was submitted.
- How much money can you save for each degree that you turn down the thermostat?
How much you save depends on how warm you keep your home and therefore on how much energy you consume for heating. Generally you can expect to save about two percent on your energy bill for every degree Celsius you set back your thermostat.
- What does the term “R-value” mean?
R-value is a measure of how well a material resists the passage of heat. The higher the R-value, the slower the rate of heat transfer through the insulating material and the more effective insulation is in keeping the home warm in winter and cool in summer. Insulation should always be judged by R-value rather than inches, as different insulation materials have different R-values per inch of thickness.
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- How long does it take to process a rebate?
Rebates are processed within approximately 6-8 weeks.
- Am I able to receive a rebate for a residential property I own that is currently rented to tenants?
Yes, for all residential programs except Instant Rebates, the homeowner is the only person eligible to receive a takeCHARGE rebate.
- I heat my home with oil, what programs am I eligible for?
Customers heating their homes with oil or wood are eligible to participate in the HRV program.
- Is it a good idea to vent my clothes dryer inside to capture the extra heat in the winter?
Definitely not. The heated air blown out the vent also contains all of the moisture that has been removed from the clothes. This moisture can cause problems ranging from excessive condensation on windows to long-term structural damage.
- Can I save by unplugging appliances that are not in use?
If the appliance has an “on/off” switch, turning it off has the same effect as unplugging it. Extra refrigerators or freezers should be unplugged when not in use.
- Are there any simple ways I can save energy and money with my dishwasher?
Run full loads whenever possible (this also saves water), and use the “air dry” setting or open the door after the cycle is completed instead of using the “heated dry” cycle.
- How can I save energy and money on washing and drying clothes?
Wash laundry in cold water and line dry whenever possible for the greatest savings. Washing your clothes in cold water can save you over $175 a year. Line dry your clothes for additional savings. Also, be sure to use the appropriate water level setting. Avoid over drying and always run full loads.
- Can I save energy by using a microwave or toaster oven for cooking and defrosting frozen food?
Yes. Microwaves are excellent for defrosting and reheating cooked food, and use much less electricity than an electric range or oven. Toaster ovens also use less and are good for heating or cooking small quantities of food.
- What is the purpose of the EnerGuide labels on appliances, and what do they tell me?
These labels allow you to compare energy costs of comparable appliances. Most will have a horizontal scale showing the least efficient model, the most efficient one, and where that particular appliance falls on the scale. The labels also have a table that allows you to estimate your annual energy cost based on current electric rates. As with kilometer ratings on automobiles, your actual cost may vary depending on usage.
- I have a separate chest freezer. Is this costing me a lot to run, and how can I cut the cost?
The older the model, the more energy it will use. The only way to avoid this cost is to eliminate the freezer. If you are purchasing a new chest freezer, choose an ENERGY STAR® model for the best energy efficiency.
- Are there any simple, inexpensive things I can do to save energy with my refrigerator?
Yes. Make sure the door gasket fits snugly to keep the cold air inside, clean the coils (located either on the bottom or the back) regularly, and avoid overfilling the refrigerator – there needs to be enough room for the cold air to circulate.