
Get insight into how your home uses electricity and personalized energy saving advice at We’ll help you understand how your usage changes over time, as well as how you compare to similar homes in your area. Sign up today and provide your home details to get started!



Sign up today!

  • See how your home uses electricity.
  • Get personalized energy saving tips.
  • Ask questions to our energy experts.
  • Check back each month to get updates on how your usage compares to similar homes.
  • Most importantly, complete your home profile – This will ensure that we are giving you the most relevant energy saving advice for your home.

Get Started

Step 1: Get Your Electricity Utility Account Number.
You’ll need your Newfoundland Power Account Number and postal code to sign up.

  • Newfoundland Power customer? You can find your number in the upper right corner of your paper bill and on the second row of your ebill summary.
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro customer? You can find your account number in the upper left hand corner of your paper bill.

Step 2. Create Your Account.

  • Enter your last name, account number and postal code.
  • Your email will be your username. Once you create a password we will send you an email verification.
  • Click on the email to confirm it’s you.

Step 3. Sign in and Complete Your Home Profile.

  • Updating your home profile will make sure you get the most out of MyHome.
  • It only takes about 5 minutes and will ensure that we are giving you the most relevant information and energy saving advice.

Step 4: Take Charge of Your Energy use!

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    How do you choose similar homes used in my comparison?
    Your household’s usage is compared to similar homes in the area based on details such as home age and heating fuel. Sign up and complete your home profile to ensure that we have the most up to date information about your home and are giving you the most relevant comparison information and energy saving advice.

    I notice my electricity use is shown in kWh. What is a kWh?
    A kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a universal unit of measure for electricity use. One 100-watt incandescent light bulb left on for 10 hours consumes one kWh of electricity (100 watts x 10 hours = 1,000 watt-hours = 1 kWh).

    Is my home’s electricity information being shared with other customers?
    No. This information is for your use alone. All of the comparison information, including yours, is compiled anonymously to create your profile. Your specific information and home characteristics are not shared with others.

    What if I have more questions or want to correct my household data?
    You can update your household data at You can send questions to or give us a call:

    • Newfoundland Power 1-800-663-2802

    Your data was collected through a number of sources. It is based on your utility account information and consumption, as well as public sources of demographic information such as your local assessor’s office.

    You also have access to more FAQs when you login at