Working with takeCHARGE, a joint initiative between Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, The Stone Jug was able to reduce their hot water consumption by having atakeCHARGE representative install a high efficiency pre-rinse spray valve.
The Stone Jug, located in the beautiful town of Carbonear, is housed in a heritage building originally dating back to 1860. The building is encompassed in spectacular stone and woodwork helping to create a rustic, but casually elegant atmosphere for its patrons. On weekends, local entertainment featuring live traditional music, makes for a fine social atmosphere.
The installation of a pre-rinse spray valve in their kitchen, also makes for a fine energy efficient decision! Pre-rinse spray valves are used by restaurants and food service establishments to remove food from plates and other dishes prior to loading them in the dishwasher. High performance pre-rinse spray valves are more energy efficient and use less water than standard spray valves. If you are a restaurant or food service establishment with electrically heated hot water, takeCHARGE will install one for you for free!
That’s exactly what takeCHARGE did for The Stone Jug, who are now saving over $200 per year in electricity costs by tackling what can be an area of high energy use for restaurants, water heating.
“Being in the restaurant industry, there’s often not a lot of time in your day to spend on other things like energy efficiency upgrades. Having takeCHARGE drop by and install the pre-rinse spray valve and talk about other opportunities for energy efficiency is a great feature of the program” states Tamara Neil, General Manager.
Want to take charge of your bottom line?
Over 700 businesses have made energy-efficient upgrades and saved with takeCHARGE rebates. Contact an energy expert to set up your complimentary assessment. With the average rebate amount for our custom program at over $5,000 and a maximum rebate of $50,000, we can really help with those initial costs. Contact us to get started! Call 1-800-663-2802 or visit TakeChargeNL.ca.