Newfoundland Power Inc. and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro), a Nalcor Energy company, today announced the five community event winners as part of the takeCHARGE of Your Town Challenge. The takeCHARGE of Your Town Challenge was launched in October as part of Energy Efficiency Week and is the province’s first energy efficiency challenge for municipalities.
“We are extremely pleased with the response to this Challenge and thrilled to see both large and small communities pledge to reduce their energy use as part of this energy efficiency initiative,” says Simone Browne, Hydro’s Energy Efficiency Manager.
Every municipality who joined the takeCHARGE of Your Town Challenge received a ballot for a chance to win a community skating party, winter fun day or tree-lighting ceremony over the 2010 holiday season, valued at $750 each. Municipalities also received additional ballots when residents completed one of the three takeCHARGE Energy Savers Rebates. The following five communities have won a fun-filled, winter community event: North West River (population category 1-1000); Bay Bulls (population category 1,001-
5,000); Torbay (population category 5,001-10,000); Grand Falls-Windsor (population category 10,001-15,000); and Corner Brook (population category over 15,001).
“When registration closed on October 31, 106 municipalities from across Newfoundland and Labrador had signed up for the Challenge, an impressive accomplishment for a first-ever program of this type,” said Peter Upshall, Energy Management Engineer, Newfoundland Power. “By working together as a community to save energy, residents will increase their municipality’s chance to win a $10,000 energy efficiency upgrade.”
Between November 1, 2010 and January 31, 2011, these 106 communities will work hard to reduce their energy consumption as they try to win the takeCHARGE of Your Town Challenge grand prize – a $10,000 energy efficient upgrade for a municipal building(s) in their town. Energy consumption will be measured over this three-month period and the municipality that reduces their energy consumption by the highest percentage (compared to the same period last year) will win the Challenge. The grand prize will be announced on February 18, 2011.
takeCHARGE is a joint initiative between Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro that is aimed at providing Newfoundlanders and Labradorians with information, tools and programs to assist them in using energy wisely. It is intended to encourage consumers to take charge and take action in their own homes and businesses to reduce the energy they use and save money.
Visit takechargenl.ca or facebook for more information, prizes and tips to get started.