takeCHARGE EVerything EVs Roadshow Hitting the Road Again this Summer

(St. John’s, NL): takeCHARGE, a joint initiative between Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro and Newfoundland Power, is bringing electric vehicles (EVs), owners and dealers together once again for their EVerything EVs Roadshow!

More and more drivers are becoming interested in learning everything about EVs and how the driving experience compares to a traditional vehicle. The takeCHARGE EVerything EVs Roadshow is an interactive event aimed at assisting drivers to get the information needed to help them decide if an EV is right for them. The event provides a unique opportunity for attendees to get up close and hands on with a wide variety of EVs all in one place, and ask questions to those most knowledgeable about these vehicles.

Today’s Deer Lake event marks the first of five planned stops across the island over the coming week. The next pit stops will be in Corner Brook, Gander, and Clarenville, with the final event in St. John’s on Sunday, July 30th, at the Farmers’ Market. For full event details visit www.TakeChargeNL.ca/EVRoadshow.

“As we plan for a more sustainable future, we are very interested in helping our customers learn more about the many benefits and options when it comes to EVs”, says Byron Chubbs, Vice President, Engineering and Energy Supply, Newfoundland Power. “We are excited for drivers to get the opportunity to test drive an EV and chat with EV owners about range, the growing network of chargers across the province and the wide variety of vehicle options so they can make informed decisions about choosing an EV for their next vehicle.”

The takeCHARGE EVerything EVs Roadshow is hosted in partnership with Drive Electric NL and Drive Electric Atlantic.

“Drive Electric NL is excited to show the latest electric vehicles to people around the province again this summer,” said Jon Seary, co-founder of Drive Electric NL. “Come chat with other EV owners to find out how to make a meaningful change in your transportation and save money in the process.”

“Drive Electric Atlantic is excited to be returning to Newfoundland with two EVs and e-bikes to increase knowledge and awareness of healthy transportation options available to the public,” said Alyse Wilton, Manager of Environmental Health Programs. “We look forward to seeing you at the 5 stops of the 2023 EV Roadshow.”

A joint initiative between Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) and Newfoundland Power, takeCHARGE combines the expertise and customer reach of Newfoundland and Labrador’s two electricity utilities. We work together to bring energy efficiency awareness and savings to the residents of this province. To us, that also means helping you use energy wisely through takeCHARGE, from light bulbs to insulation to electric vehicles. For energy efficiency tips and information on rebate programs, visit TakeChargeNL.ca today!

For further information, please contact:

Michele Coughlan
Manager, Public Affairs Newfoundland Power

t. (709) 737-2821 c. (709) 682-1470
e. mcoughlan@newfoundlandpower.com