Usage Alerts

Are you a Newfoundland Power Customer?
If you have received a Usage Alert, you have been randomly selected to take part in our new takeCHARGE program. Newfoundland Power is providing Usage Alerts and Home Energy Reports by mail and email to a selection of customers.

If you are selected for the program and provide an email address, we can provide you with Usage Alert emails. You will receive an email alert if we estimate that weather could have a measurable impact on your next bill. Usage Alerts will be sent mid-billing cycle. They will link to tips to help you save energy before you receive your next bill.

Didn’t receive a Usage Alert? Or want to learn more?
We’ve got you covered at Sign up to get detailed information about how your home uses electricity and personalized energy saving advice online. And get access to other tools and resources to help you manage your electricity use.

  • Check back each month to get updates on how your usage compares to similar homes.
  • Most importantly, complete your home profile – This will ensure that we are giving you the most relevant energy saving advice for your home.

Still got questions? We’re here to help. Check out these Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch at Contact Us.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    When will I receive a Usage Alert?
    You will receive an email only if we estimate that your electricity use is going to be measurably more than in the previous month. Usage Alerts will be sent about two weeks before your next electricity bill and provide links to practical tips on how to save energy.

    Am I eligible to receive these alerts?
    If you have been selected to receive Home Energy Reports and provide us with your email address you are eligible to receive Usage Alerts.

    If I receive an alert and want to try to avoid a higher bill, what should I do?
    You should visit to learn about your electricity usage and find ways to save energy.

    What is the date on the left side under “There’s still time to save”?
    This is the date that your meter was read for your last bill.

    Can I stop receiving these alerts?
    It is easy to stop receiving alerts. Just click unsubscribe at the bottom of your Usage Alert email.

    How do I re-subscribe to receive future Usage Alerts?
    Log on at or call us at 1-800-663-2802 to re-subscribe for Usage Alerts.

    Does this alert include any credits that are applied to my account?
    No, this alert does not include any credits to your account. These alerts are meant to inform you that your electricity usage is higher than typical for the month and provide you with an opportunity to try and lower your usage.