Get It Started!

Once you’ve checked your insulation levels and you know it’s time to top up, decide what type of insulation you want to use.

All types of CSA-approved insulation with a verifiable R-value are eligible for a takeCHARGE rebate. Just make sure you meet the required R-values for each area.

Example 1 Starting with no insulation? Add R12 batt + R6 rigid board
Example 2 Starting with no insulation? Add R20 batt
ATTIC (REQUIRED R50 to 55, R60 in Labrador)
Example 1 Starting with R20? Add R30 blown-in
Example 2 Starting withR30? Add R20 batt

Buying your insulation

Peter Upshall, our Energy Expert, takes you through all the things you need to consider when purchasing your insulation.

Hire a contractor to install, or do it yourself with these tips!

How to insulate your basement:

Make sure to keep the R-Values in mind.

Refer to the table of R-values below to make sure your project meets the eligibility requirements for a rebate.

Basement and Crawl Space Walls 18 25
Basement and Crawl Space Ceiling 30 35
Attic 50 55 (R-60 in Labrador)
  • The rebate applies to pre-tax insulation costs. Other materials and labour will not be reimbursed.
  • Rebates will be paid for basement/crawl space walls or basement/crawl space ceiling upgrades, but not both.
  • You may add to existing insulation to reach the recommended R-value, but rebates will not be provided to replace existing insulation.

Your home and project must meet eligibility requirements to get a rebate. Learn more.