The Newfoundland and Labrador Sports Centre is a provincial high-performance multi-sport training facility where administrators, coaches and athletes of all ages have access to unparalleled expertise and a full range of comprehensive and integrated support services.
The power plex gymnasium at the NL Sports Centre is large enough to house four full size basketball courts or six volleyball courts. Wanting to find ways to use energy wiser, they converted the lighting in the gymnasium from fluorescent to LED. It was a winning move. They took advantage of an $8,600 takeCHARGE rebate and are now saving about $6,700 a year in electricity costs. They’re also saving on maintenance costs with longer life LED lamps requiring fewer replacements.
“We wanted to improve the energy efficiency of the gym lighting, so it was easy to make the move to LED” says Tom Godden, Chair of the Board of Directors NL Sports Centre. “takeCHARGE helped us with advice and a great rebate, now we enjoy the benefits every month,” adds Godden.
Want to take charge of your bottom line?
Hundreds of businesses have made energy-efficient upgrades and saved with takeCHARGE rebates. Contact an energy expert to set up your complimentary assessment. With the average rebate amount of over $5,000 and a maximum rebate of $50,000, takeCHARGE can really help with the costs to get started. Call 1-800-663-2802 or visit TakeChargeNL.ca/business.