Town Challenge

The takeCHARGE of Your Town initiative started in 2010 and is aimed at encouraging residents and municipalities to reduce their energy use. We have awarded $195,000 in the past 13 years to cities and towns successful in winning our challenge. The takeCHARGE of Your Town initiative invites municipalities to submit proposals that will support their efforts to develop or improve energy conservation or energy efficiency projects. Projects have to demonstrate a positive effort to conserve energy that benefits the entire community.

2023/2024 Program Details

A key focus of the takeCHARGE program is to help raise awareness amongst residents, businesses and communities of the importance of using energy wisely and encourage more people to take action today to reduce their energy usage. We are committed to providing residents and businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador with support in their energy conservation efforts through our takeCHARGE residential and commercial rebate programs.

The takeCHARGE of Your Town initiative started in 2010 and is aimed at encouraging residents and municipalities to reduce their energy use. We have awarded $195,000 in the past 13 years to cities and towns successful in winning our challenge.

In 2024/2025, we will once again be inviting municipalities to submit proposals that will support their efforts to develop or improve energy conservation or energy efficiency projects. Projects must demonstrate a positive effort to conserve energy that benefits the entire community. Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to, energy efficient upgrades to a town hall or municipal building.

takeCHARGE of Your Town application

We are now accepting proposals. The deadline for submission is 4:00 p.m., Friday, April 11th, 2025. A successful proposal will be announced in Spring 2025.

Proposal Criteria:

  1. Proposals must include the following:
    • a detailed description of the project;
    • the total estimated cost of the project, including receipts for quotes received;
    • other partners including additional project funding;
    • how the takeCHARGE of Your Town grant will be used;
    • what guidance or advice our employees can provide; and,
    • overall benefit to the community.
  2. Projects need to demonstrate energy conservation or energy efficiency.
  3. One grant of $10,000 will be awarded upon completion of project.
  4. Include any additional information that will support your proposal.
  5. Proposals must indicate how funding will be used by December 31, 2025. Funding will be issued upon project completion.
  6. Proposals need to be submitted by email to or by mail to your utility.


Apply OnlinePrint Brochure

takeCHARGE of Your Town
Newfoundland Power
c/o Philip Cave
P.O. 8910
St. John’s, NL A1B 3P6

takeCHARGE of Your Town
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro
c/o takeCHARGE
P.O. Box 12400
St. John’s, NL A1B 4K7

Congratulations to the 2023/2024 winners of the takeCHARGE of Your Town Initiative!

Following close to 40 submissions from towns across Newfoundland and Labrador, TWO winners were selected to receive a grant of $10,000.

Town of Grand Falls - Windsor

The Town of Grand Falls – Windsor will use their grant to install two heat pumps in the Corduroy Nature Centre. The Centre currently does not have the heating or cooling capability to keep the main event spaces sufficiently useable so this project will allow them to further expand their current offerings to community groups.

Town of Norris Point

The Town of Norris Point will use their grant to work in collaboration with the Bonne Bay Cottage Hospital to install two heat pumps. The heat pump installation will improve their building’s energy efficiency, reduce their heating costs, and decrease their greenhouse gas emissions.