The Town of Whitbourne has made strides in energy efficiency with the installation of a mini-split heat pump and upgraded insulation in community facilities. These improvements are a testament to... Read more
When you conserve energy, you win in more ways than one. From installation rebates and huge monthly savings to a brighter, happier working environment, saving energy benefits everyone – talk... Read more
Jerry’s a savvy business owner in the construction industry. He knew insulating his basement would be a smart move – but he had no idea just how much it would... Read more
Jerry’s a savvy business owner in the construction industry. He knew insulating his basement would be a smart move – but he had no idea just how much it would... Read more
How would you like to help your town win a $10,000 energy efficiency upgrade? From November 1,2010, to January 31,2011, we’re challenging communities throughout the province to reduce their energy… Read more
Check out our website to find Tips & Tricks to Take Charge, an online survey showing you how energy efficient your home is and also to ask us questions!
Find out ways to takeCHARGE of Earth Hour. Consider what else you can do in your home, workplace and community to save energy. Make every hour Earth Hour!
Our customers won a $7500 ENERGY STAR® prize package. Pick up ways to takeCHARGE of your fridge and freezers energy use and learn about new provincial programs.
It’s time for all of us to become more energy efficient – to look at making changes in our homes, our businesses and our communities that help add up to… Read more