“If you leave your thermostat at the same temperature all the time, rather than turning it down while you’re out or asleep, you can save energy!” Ever hear that line? We hear it all the time. A CLASSIC case in the takeCHARGE Myth-Stery Files.
After some investigating, we’ve uncovered some energy efficiency myths that are costing people energy and money in this province. We’re shedding light on these myths, and getting to the bottom of the truth – so nobody else unknowingly wastes their energy!
Common myths to watch out for...

Home Heating
Turning up your thermostat to the max temperature won’t heat your home faster.

Ceiling Fans
A ceiling fan doesn’t act as an air conditioner – it cools people, not rooms.

Dial thermostats are NOT as energy efficient — or accurate — as programmable ones.

Phantom Power
Some appliances and electronics STILL use energy, even when they’re powered off.

Space Heaters
Your baseboard heating is NOT less efficient than your space heaters.