Category: Business

Energy-saving technology enlightens Newfoundland and Labrador’s major university, home of some of the world’s brightest minds. With five campuses and more than 19,000 students from over 115 countries, Memorial University… Read more

What are demand charges? If you are a commercial customer, you may notice that your bill contains both usage (kilowatt hours, “kWh”) and demand charges (kilowatts, “kW”, or kilo-volt-ampere, “kVA”… Read more

As Business Week kicks off, takeCHARGE wants to help employers promote energy efficiency and highlight some easy ways to save on electricity costs in the workplace. We’ve put together a… Read more

Business Energy Efficiency In Action Being able to say your business is energy efficient sounds good, but business owners know that any investment without a strong return and a reasonable… Read more

Measuring the Return on Energy Efficiency Investments In a period of slower economic growth, businesses are continually looking for sound investments. In these times, the old adage, a penny saved… Read more