All-In Attic Insulation Program Application
Terms and Conditions:
To be eligible for this Program, all required information must be completed, including an active electricity account number with Newfoundland Power. You must meet all eligibility requirements. Free attic insulation installed through the takeCHARGE All-In Attic Insulation Program must not previously have been issued to the dwelling or home listed. Offer subject to change or cancellation without notice. Please allow up to 8 weeks for application processing. takeCHARGE may terminate the Applicant’s participation in the All-In Attic Insulation Program at any time prior to the insulation installation for any reason including, but not limited to, structural deficiencies in the home. Please allow up to March 31, 2025 to receive your insulation installation. Newfoundland Power makes no representations or warranties regarding the insulation and are in no way responsible for loss, injury or damage which may result from goods or services furnished or rendered in connection with this program. Newfoundland Power may visit your home to confirm insulation installation at any time within 15 months from when the installation was completed.
At any time during the application process, takeCHARGE may require the Applicant’s social insurance number and/or copies of the Applicant’s notices of assessment from the Canada Revenue Agency for the Applicant and the Applicant’s spouse or common-law partner, as applicable (the “Financial Information”). By submitting a completed Application, the Applicant consents to the collection and use of their personal information including their Financial Information for the purpose of administering the All-In Attic Insulation Program. In the event takeCHARGE requires copies of notices of assessment, takeCHARGE will contact the Applicant and the Applicant’s spouse directly to obtain consent and verify the required information. Any misrepresentations may disqualify the Applicant and the Applicant’s spouse or common-law partner from participation in future takeCHARGE programs.