Isolated Communities Energy Efficiency Program

Get $et to $ave with Hydro’s Isolated Systems Energy Efficiency Program!

Launched in 2012, Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro is now in year 10 of the Isolated Communities Energy Efficiency Program. The objective of this program is to provide outreach, education and energy efficient products, along with energy efficiency and demand management opportunities to homes and businesses in the 41 remote diesel-system communities across Newfoundland and Labrador. To date, it has successfully helped these communities save 13.3 GWh of electricity.

The program began with residential and commercial direct installations of small energy efficient technologies such as low-flow showerheads and aerators, LED lamps, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), smart power strips, and hot water tank and pipe insulation. There was a focus on community knowledge building and building capacity in the communities by hiring and training local representatives. These representatives worked in their communities to promote the program, provide useful information on energy use and install energy efficient products in homes and businesses. To date, the program has been offered in 41 remote communities, installed 155,697 energy efficient products in 875 business visits and 8,583 home visits, and saved over 13 GWh of electricity. Overall, the program has been very successful. It has increased local knowledge on energy efficiency and provided employment for 60 local residents.

As the program matures and opportunities for the direct install of small technologies decrease, the majority of the work will switch to larger targeted residential and commercial energy efficiency and demand management programs. If income qualified customers are interested in additional small energy efficient technologies in the future, they may be eligible to receive a takeCHARGE Energy Savers Kit. To apply, click here.

Moving forward, the focus will be on targeted programs and locations. For residential customers, that may include the replacement of inefficient dial thermostats with programmable and smart thermostats; the direct install of water heater controllers; a heat pump pilot project; and potential energy efficiency upgrades through federal programs. Commercial targeted programs may include lighting direct installs; as well as energy analyses that will identify the top 10% of energy users. This information will create a customized energy reduction plan for those users. Targeted energy upgrades and rebates may be available to customers.