takeCHARGE recently donated over 3,000 LED light bulbs to several local, non-profit organizations across the island. Some of these groups will distribute the energy-efficient bulbs to individuals and families in their network, while others will use the donation in their facilities to help reduce operational costs – helping these charities and those they support save energy and money!
“The takeCHARGE team is thrilled to partner with these groups in our communities,” says Diane Whalen, Manager of Energy Conservation & Corporate Affairs with Newfoundland Power. “We’re committed to providing customers with information, tools and programs to help them be more energy efficient and reduce electricity costs.”
Each partnership in this initiative provided unique opportunities to get people using LED bulbs. For instance, by working with groups like Meals on Wheels, Canadian Red Cross we were able to reach out to people that may have challenges getting to a retail store. The Single Parent Association used their membership to help families in need increase energy efficiency in their homes, thereby decreasing costs.
“We are truly grateful for the donation of LED light bulbs from takeCHARGE”, says Ron Ellsworth, Chair of the City of St. John’s Affordable Housing Committee. “This donation will be used in the city’s low-income housing units to assist residents in adopting energy efficient technology and helping them save money.”
“Not only did takeCHARGE donate LED bulbs to Stella’s Circle for use in our supportive housing units”, says Gail Thornhill, Director of Supportive Housing with Stella’s Circle, “but they also conducted a great information session for staff and participants on simple, every-day-things we all can do to be more energy efficient.”
The LED light bulbs donated by takeCHARGE helped the following groups:
LEDs are a great for both homes and businesses. These energy-efficient bulbs use at least 75% less energy and last on average 15 times longer than a traditional incandescent bulb. However, energy efficient lighting is just one way to make homes and businesses more energy efficient. Learn how you can get money back and enjoy lower electricity costs with other tips and rebates from takeCHARGE at TakeChargeNL.ca.