(St. John’s, NL): takeCHARGE has donated over 24,000 ENERGY STAR® LED light bulbs to a many local, non-profit organizations and other groups that provide support within communities across Newfoundland and Labrador through Make the Switch. These groups will distribute the energy-efficient light bulbs to individuals and families in their network or use the donation in their facilities to help them save energy and money!
“Our continued partnership with community-minded organizations has provided us with a great opportunity over the years to help customers who may not always have access to energy saving technologies like LED bulbs that get that opportunity” says Keith Barrett, Manager of Energy Solutions with Newfoundland Power. “These partnerships, and the willingness of these groups to facilitate the distribution of LED Bulbs through Make the Switch has been critical to the initiatives success.”
“Installing these ENERGY STAR certified LEDs will help our customers save energy and keep their homes bright and cozy,” says Grant Outerbridge, Manager, Electrification and Energy Optimization with Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. “We are very excited to have the opportunity to work with community minded partners, who will distribute these bulbs to individuals who need them the most.”
Each partnership in this Make the Switch initiative provided unique opportunities for these organizations or groups to distribute ENERGY STAR® LED light bulbs to customers, individuals and families. For instance, by working with Newfoundland and Labrador Housing, we are able to provide light bulbs to their rental housing program, which provides affordable housing and assistance for low to moderate income households. The Association for New Canadians (ANC) will distribute 3,000 LED light bulbs to low-income refugees and newcomers to use in their homes, allowing them to save energy and money.
“The ANC is very excited to be partnering with takeCHARGE to bring awareness to the benefits of LED bulbs” says Wayne Pearce, Senior Manager, Operations with ANC. “This will go a long way to support newcomers in our service area, as well as using these in our reception and welcome units to increase energy efficiency.”
“Golden Legion Manor is a seniors complex that is 100% independent living, so these bulbs will be very beneficial to our seniors in saving energy and money.” Says Rachelle Scott, Manager, Golden Legion Manor Limited. “We will install the rest throughout our facility with the goal of reducing energy and keeping costs down for our tenants.”
“We thank takeCHARGE for their generous donation of these bulbs.” says Pam Thornhill, Director/Economic Development Officer, Town of Glovertown. “Our town is committed to assisting our seniors and this is just one more way to do so.”
Debbie Warr, from the Town of Robert’s Arm says “Thank you so much for helping our community become more energy efficient. We have many many residents on a very limited income and every little bit helps, in today’s environment, more than ever.”
“This is going to be very exciting for our board and it will greatly improve our senior’s fall event.” says Janice Walsh, Green Bay South Public Library Board.
The energy-efficient ENERGY STAR® LED light bulbs donated by takeCHARGE helped the following groups:
- Alexander Bay 50+ Inc
- Association for New Canadians
- Brimstone Cultural and Historical Society
- Canadian Association of Retired Persons NL Chapter (CARP NL)
- Evangel Community Church
- Flatrock Fifty Plus Fun Club
- Fox Harbour Shamrock 50+ Club
- Frenchman’s Cove 50 plus club
- Gander Gymnastics Club Inc.
- Golden Legion Manor Limited
- Golden Meadow 50+ Group Inc.
- Grand Bank 50+ Club
- Howley 60 Plus
- Marystown Lions Golden Age 50+Club.Inc
- New Triple Plus Club
- New Visions 50+ Inc.
- Newfoundland & Labrador Housing
- North River 50+ Friendship Club Inc.
- Placentia West 50+ Club
- Random Age-Friendly Communities
- Rencontre East
- Roberts Arm Public Library
- Safe Harbour Outreach Project
- Anthony & Area Boys & Girls Club
- St Lawrence Golden Age 50+ Seniors Club
- Lawrence Community Youth Network Inc.
- Lunaire-Griquet Ambulance Service
- Terra Nova Recreation Commission Inc
- The Town of Lamaline
- Toe of the Boot 50+ Club
- Torbay 50+ Friendship Club
- Town Council of Point Lance
- Town of Baine Harbour
- Town of Beachside
- Town of Belleoram
- Town of Buchans
- Town of Centreville-Wareham-Trinity
- Town of Cook’s Harbour
- Town of Dover
- Town of Flowers Cove
- Town of Gambo
- Town of Glovertown
- Town of Happy Adventure
- Town of Lark Harbour
- Town of Lawn
- Town of Northern Arm
- Town of Parker’s Cove
- Town of Point May/Point May Volunteer Fire Department
- Town of Port Anson
- Town of Rencontre East
- Town of Robert’s Arm
- Town of Roddickton-Bide Arm
- Town of Rushoon
- Town of Sandringham
- Town of South Brook
- Town of St. Lawrence
- Town of Trout River
- Westport Volunteer Fire Department
- Youth 2000 Centre
Since 2017, takeCHARGE has provided over 94,000 ENERGY STAR LED light bulbs to over 160 non-profit organizations and local groups across the province through Make the Switch.
LED light bulbs are great for both homes and businesses. These energy-efficient light bulbs use at least 75% less energy and last, on average, 15 times longer than a traditional incandescent bulb. Energy-efficient lighting is just one way to make homes and businesses more energy efficient. Learn how to get money back and save energy with other tips and rebates from takeCHARGE at TakeChargeNL.ca
A joint initiative between Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro, takeCHARGE combines the expertise and customer reach of Newfoundland and Labrador’s two electricity utilities. We work together to bring energy efficiency awareness and savings to the residents of this province. Your utilities are here to provide a service — a reliable source of energy to run your homes and businesses. To us, that also means helping you use energy wisely through takeCHARGE, from light bulbs to thermostats to electric vehicles. For energy efficiency tips and information on rebate programs, visit TakeChargeNL.ca today!
Newfoundland Power is the primary distributer of electricity on the island portion of Newfoundland and Labrador. With a customer base of approximately 273,000 accounts, Newfoundland Power is committed to safety, dedicated to the highest level of customer service and focused on delivering reliable electricity at the lowest possible cost. For more information on Newfoundland Power’s programs, services and community partnerships, please visit newfoundlandpower.com.
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro) is the people’s Crown utility – providing safe, cost-effective, reliable electricity that our customers can count on. We have both regulated and unregulated operations across the province with major power generation assets in Churchill Falls, Muskrat Falls, Bay d’Espoir and Holyrood. Our provincial transmission system spans thousands of kilometers, and now connects the island of Newfoundland to Labrador. We power our families, friends, and neighbors in 200+ communities across the province, and approximately 80 per cent of our provincial energy comes from clean hydroelectric generation.