Insulation Savings Calculator
The takeCHARGE rebate applies to pre-tax insulation costs. Other materials and labour are not included. Rebates will be paid for basement/crawl space walls or basement/crawl space ceiling upgrades, but not both. Calculation estimates are based on these assumptions.
Learn about the takeCHARGE insulation rebate and eligibility requirements here.
- {{}}
Rebate percent of insulation material cost: {{(selectedHeatingType.type === "Electric" ? (selectedWhereInsulation.percentRebateElectric) : (selectedWhereInsulation.percentRebateOil)) * 100 | number :0}}% up to $1,000
Estimated Project Costs
{{costInsulationMaterial | currency:"$":0}}
{{takeChargeRebateAmount | currency:"$":0}}
{{costOtherMaterial | currency:"$":0}}
Estimated Project Savings
{{annualBillSavings | currency:"$":0}}
{{annualSavingsKWhs | number:0}} {{selectedHeatingType.type === "Electric" ? "kWh" : "Litres"}}
{{ ( (simplePaybackYearsAfterRebate == 0) ? "" : (simplePaybackYearsAfterRebate > 1) ? simplePaybackYearsAfterRebate + " yrs" : simplePaybackYearsAfterRebate + " yr") }}{{(simplePaybackYearsAfterRebateMonth > 0) ? (simplePaybackYearsAfterRebateMonth > 1) ? ( (simplePaybackYearsAfterRebate == 0) ? "" : ", ") + simplePaybackYearsAfterRebateMonth + " mos" : ", " + simplePaybackYearsAfterRebateMonth + " mo" : "" }}
Estimated Cost After Rebate:
{{costAfterRebate | currency:"$":0}}
Labour costs are not eligible for a rebate and are not included in cost estimates.
Estimated Lifetime Savings:
{{selectedHeatingType.type === "Electric" ? annualSavingsKWhs * electricityRate * 25 : annualSavingsKWhs * costPerLitreOil * 25 | currency:"$":0}}
*This tool is only intended to provide an estimate of the potential savings resulting from the addition of attic or basement insulation to a home. Actual results will vary from those produced by the calculator. Customers may not experience savings similar to those shown on the calculator. Pricing is based on NRCan’s 2019 Atlantic Canada Pricing Survey. Costs of insulation and other material are subject to change without notice. Calculations are based on the current domestic electricity rates. Electricity rates vary based on your service area.
Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro Customers
Island and Labrador Diesel rate is based on the charge for all kWh over 1000 kilowatt-hours per month. For first and second block rates, check Hydro's current published rates, available here.
The Northern Strategic Plan (NSP) is a provincial government rate subsidy available to residential customers in coastal Labrador and L'Anse au Loup. With the NSP, customers in these communities pay the same rate as Labrador Interconnected customers for their basic electricity needs.