Announcing our 2023 School Contest Winners

takeCHARGE, a joint partnership between Newfoundland Power and Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (Hydro), is pleased to announce the winners of the 10th annual Kids in Charge (K-I-C Start) school contest.

The province-wide contest aims to raise awareness about the importance of saving energy among students. takeCHARGE invited students in kindergarten to grade twelve to submit projects that showcase energy conservation in creative and effective ways for a chance to win. Participants could win up to $2,500 for technology and other school supplies for their class or school. Many creative entries were received again this year – over 40 submissions, including videos, posters, and songs.

“Congratulations to all the participants in our school contest!  It is always great to see such creativity and excitement about energy efficiency from these students”, says Keith Barrett, Manager of Energy Solutions with Newfoundland Power. “We are always excited to educate today’s youth about the importance of saving energy and are always amazed at the things we can learn from them as well. These students clearly have a passion for energy efficiency, and it is becoming engrained in their everyday lives.”

“This year’s entries showed so many fun and creative ways students came together to show how they can save energy,” says Elaine Cole, Energy Efficiency Administrator with Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro. “A special thanks goes out to all the teachers who took the time to talk to your students about the importance of energy efficiency. A huge congratulations go out to all the students who participated.”

Grand Prize Winners 

Grades K-6 Category:

  • Ms. Dick’s Kindergarten class from Mary Queen of Peace in St. John’s
  • Ms. Vincent’s Grade 2 class from Gill Memorial Academy in Musgrave Harbour
  • Ms. Penney’s Grade 3 class from Cloud River Academy in Roddickton
  • Ms. Young’s Grade 5,6 &7 class from Jakeman All Grade in Trout River

Grades 7-12 Category:

  • Larissa Smith, Victoria Tatchell and Kayleigh Pye, Grade 7 students from St. Mary’s All Grade in Mary’s Harbour
  • Heidi Butler, Lex Nault, Regan Penney and Jill Roberts, Grade 9 students from Exploits Valley Intermediate in Grand Falls – Windsor

Second Prize Winners

Grades K-6 Category:

  • Ms. McPhail & Ms. Pike’s Grade 2 class from Gander Academy in Gander
  • Ms. Flower’s Grade Kindergarten & 1 class from Northern Lights Academy in Rigolet
  • Ms. Brown’s Grade 2 class from MacDonald Drive Elementary in St. John’s
  • Ms. Smith’s Grade 6 class from All Hallows Elementary in North River
  • Ms. Whiteway’s Grade 4 class from William Gillett Academy in Charlottetown
  • Ms. Snook Walsh’s Grade 3 class from Bishop Field Elementary in St. John’s